During the production of the grape natural derivatives, solid and liquid waste is generated.
To provide an ECO FRIENDLY management of the liquid waste Derivados Vinicos S.A has grown 109 has wood in Palmira, 96 of which have more than 110.000 trees.
Eucalyptus Camandulensis is the main variety planted in our wood because it is fast growing and adapts well to the unique characteristics of the area. This wood is irrigated with wastewaters which contain nutrients resulting from the wine making process and previously treated for agricultural use.
Part of the solid waste is used for soil enrichment and estates. The rest of it and the wood from our Eucalyptus trees generate 75 % of the steam require for the two boilers to work. This green procedure allows us to reduce CO2 emissions and avoid burning fossil fuels.
Due to the photosynthesis process, in which trees absorb CO2 and release O2, our wood transforms 1,400 tons of CO2. Moreover, as the factory uses biomass boilers, we emit 7,000 tons less of CO2 per year.
Our wood has become the main green space of the Eastern area. More than 50 species live there: goldfinches, pigeons, caranchos, woodpeckers, foxes, hares and mulitas among other animals. Ducks and otters are also found in the lagoon inside the wood.
In short, the wood changes the destiny of the effluent into benefits and makes Derivados Vínicos S.A a clear green and ECO FRIENDLY company.