The production of compost by Derivados Vínicos S.A. arises as a response to waste management seeking to return to the soil the nutrients extracted by the crops, closing the cycle of organic matter.
Compost – Organic fertilizer is an organic amendment obtained from a strict process of aerobic composting of viticultural waste. The process is carried out under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity, ensuring hygienization through thermophilic temperatures and stabilization of the waste until the final product is obtained.
Compost – Organic fertilizer is notable for its high content of organic matter and the richness of total nitrogen.
During the production process, physicochemical monitoring is carried out in order to guarantee the quality of the final product.
The application of compost in the soil improves its physicochemical and biological properties and at the same time, provides nutrients for plant development. The main improvements they produce are:
- It improves soil structure.
- Reduce the risk of soil erosion by increasing its water retention capacity.
- It facilitates the tasks of tillage.
- It provides essential nutrients for plant development such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with a gradual release.
- It stimulates the activity of microorganisms favoring the fertility of the soil.
Through a technical assistance agreement with INTA - EEA Mendoza, it is recommended that the application rate of compost to the soil be defined according to the nutritive contents of the compost, the requirements of the crop and the characteristics of the soil. In established vine plants and established vineyards it is recommended to apply 5-8 tons of compost / ha of soil per growing season. It can be applied in the planting hole, furrow or on the surface of the soil to be improved.
It is a ready-to-use product.
Currently the sale is in bulk.